The UK’s #1 Tool Hire Comparison Site.

Save money by comparing the best tool hire quotes near you – FOR FREE!

How It Works

Whether you want to hire a floor sander for the weekend or a 1000KVA generator for an event, simply type what you are looking for and compare from over 65,000 products!


Search the tools you’d like to hire using your postcode.


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Congratulations! You have the best possible price. Simply proceed to hire.

Why use Entire Hire?

Save on tool Hire

Compare supplier quotes in your area and reduce tool hire costs for your needs.

Whether you want to hire a floor sander for the weekend or a 1000KVA generator, we compare it all!

Quick & Simple Search

Pinpoint the best suppliers near you just by using your postcode.

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Search as many times as you like in any area. We don’t charge, ever.

Over 25,000 Products

Entire Hire is the most complete tool hire comparison site out there. We have over 100 suppliers and 25,000 products tools to compare from.

Find The Best Price Near You

Whether you want to hire a floor sander for the weekend or a 1000KVA generator for an event, simply type what you are looking for and compare from over 65,000 products!


Making your life easier

Entire Hire Makes tool hire super easy for our customers. Whether you want to hire a floor sender for the weekend or a 1000 KVA generator, we compare it all! WE Have over 100 suppliers and 25,000 products tools to compare from, with a single click of a button.

Simply enter your postcode & compare in 30 seconds

Saving you money

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If you’re a supplier, list your company on Entire Hire to drive customers to your business. Tell us a bit about your products & UK locations & get approved within 24 hours.

Start getting more customers by registering via the button below.

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List your company on Entire Hire

If you’re a supplier, list your company on Entire Hire to drive customers to your business. Tell us a bit about your products & UK locations & get approved within 24 hours.

Start getting more customers by registering via the button below.

Everything You Need In One Place

We have over 100 suppliers and 25,000 products tools to compare form. Simply use our search tool or click on a category below to start comparing.

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Mark Garrison

Using Entire Hire I was able to quickly find all the tools I needed and got the best price for them!

Mark Garrison

Using Entire Hire I was able to quickly find all the tools I needed and got the best price for them!

Compare From the Biggest Companies Across The UK

Compare from over 100 suppliers, across the UK in less than 30 Seconds

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